COVID-19 vaccine

The Big Question: Can Employers Require Workers to Vaccinate?

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and more employers bring staff back to the workplace, many businesses are considering implementing mandatory vaccination policies for seasonal flus as well as the coronavirus. A safe and widely accessible vaccine would allow businesses to open their workplaces again and start returning to a semblance of normalcy. But employers

The Big Question: Can Employers Require Workers to Vaccinate? Read More »

mask required

Dealing with Violent Customers Who Refuse to Wear Masks

As many states and municipalities have issued mandatory mask orders for businesses that are open to the public, operators like retailers and restaurants have been thrust into the front lines of reducing the spread of the virus by requiring customers to wear masks when on their premises. This has led to confrontations that sometimes result

Dealing with Violent Customers Who Refuse to Wear Masks Read More »


The Chinese character for crisis contains two symbols –danger and opportunity. I think this is an accurate depiction of 2020!! And, yes, of the danger and opportunity in your health plan also. Conservative folks, and underwriters are absolutely conservative folks, have a hard time managing (pricing for) risk, in an uncertain market. This is the danger for

Uncertainty Read More »

COVID-19 waiver

More Employers Ask Workers to Sign COVID-19 Waivers, but They May Not Be Legal

As lawsuits against employers continue rising amid the coronavirus pandemic, some businesses are requiring workers to sign waivers absolving them of liability and responsibility should they contract the virus. Eight percent of executives surveyed by law firm Blank Rome said they would require that their workers sign waivers of liability before returning to the workplace.

More Employers Ask Workers to Sign COVID-19 Waivers, but They May Not Be Legal Read More »


Telecommuting Workers Have Poor Ergonomics: Study

Most companies are serious about workplace safety and that goes even for office workers, whom they provide with proper chairs and ergonomically appropriate workstations. But with so many people suddenly having been thrust into working from home, workers have converted guest bedrooms, kitchen tables and living rooms into workspaces ― and ergonomics has mostly gone

Telecommuting Workers Have Poor Ergonomics: Study Read More »

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