

office executives

Why a Corporate Liability Shield Is Not a Replacement for Liability Insurance

Business owners who form a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC) may question the need for the business to carry insurance. A major benefit of these forms of business organization is that they shield the owners’ personal assets. Because of this, they may believe insurance is unnecessary. A corporation is a legal entity separate

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The Costliest Claims for Catastrophic Conditions and the Drugs Used to Treat Them

A new report by Sun Life Insurance Co. highlights the top high-cost claim conditions that plague the U.S. health care system and account for more than half of all catastrophic or unpredictable claims costs. The top 10 costliest claim conditions comprised over half (51.8%) of the $3 billion that Sun Life reimbursed to stop-loss policyholders

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Off-the-clock Work Ban Can Save You from Legal Troubles

Wage and hour lawsuits are on the rise, usually with non-exempt employees claiming they weren’t paid either for overtime or for work they may have performed before or after their shift. But, if you have ironclad policies in place, you can greatly minimize both the chances of being sued and also losing the case. One

Off-the-clock Work Ban Can Save You from Legal Troubles Read More »

professional services

Lawsuits Grow for Incidents from Providing Professional Services

People often think of professional liability insurance as something only doctors and lawyers need. The truth is that anyone in any profession can be sued for making bad decisions. Standard business general liability insurance policies do not cover liability for professional mistakes. They will not cover errors that cost someone else money without causing bodily

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Retaliation Cases Against Employers Continue Growing

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeing more and more retaliation complaints by U.S. employees, with such charges accounting for 47% of all charges in 2017. That’s compared with 37% in 2011. Employment law attorneys say that the increase is in part due to the fact that the employees who bring retaliation charges have

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