
Flip the Script on RX Costs: How to Cut Your Pharmacy Spend in Half

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There is no way around it – companies are getting killed on the RX spend. It makes up 25% of your total health costs and it’s only going up.

Traditional inpatient costs have shifted rapidly to the pharmacy benefit. This expert session dives into the key factors that operate the RX hamster wheel (such as the specialty space that can cost up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per treatment) and how independent medical case management protects you from entities that operate with self-interest.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the role of a Pharmacy Benefit Manager and spot the negligence impacting your spend.

  • Implement the strategies to cut your specialty spend by 70% and take co-pays to nothing. (Yes, zero dollars! Nada. Zip.)

  • Shift from typical cost increases to expected savings by eliminating conflict of interest, manufacturer control and limited programs.

  • Leverage cost savings examples – such as using different ingredients with the same clinical value

May 16, Thursday

1:30 PM Central Time


Allison DePaoli


Allison and her firm are members of the exclusive NextGeneration Benefits Network (NBN), a national alliance of elite independent benefits firms that are successfully challenging the benefits and healthcare status quo to improve benefits for employees while reducing the costs for employers.

As a NBN member, Allison and her team can access the vast experience, expertise, and resources of her partner firms.


As a leading healthcare strategist and benefit adviser, John W. Sbrocco, CSFS has built a reputation based on outcomes. Most notably, John’s clients often point to his ability to implement solutions in a way that’s measurable, repeatable and predictable.

These core values along with John’s skill set fueled the growth of his companies, Questige and Achieve Health Alliance. Despite the success of his companies, John’s ultimate goal is to change the unsustainable way in which businesses currently approach health care.

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