

Testing Workers for COVID-19 Raises Privacy, Discrimination Issues

Employers whose businesses continue to operate are obviously concerned about the coronavirus spreading through their worksites, so many have started testing their workers. Recent U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidance authorized employers to conduct COVID-19 testing and check temperatures of employees. But doing so could expose a business to a number of employee legal actions […]

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What is Stop Loss Coverage?

The Ins and Outs of Stop Loss and Reinsurance

The number one concern I hear from employers when we talk about migrating to a self-insured or partially self-insured environment, is that they don’t want to be responsible for all the claims. What is stop-loss coverage? Stop-loss or reinsurance is how you protect yourself from large claims if you are self-insured. You should always have reinsurance. What

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Reasonable Healthcare Cost

How Can I Offer Care Management and Patient Advocacy to my Employees at a Reasonable Cost?

If you’rereading this article, you’re likely considering offering care management and patient advocacy to your employees. Congratulations! You want to help your employees, but at the same time, it needs to be budget-friendly. The process to add patient advocacy and care management is relatively simple. However, like most things in the health insurance industry, it’s not

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Covid 19 lawsuit

10 Potential Causes of Employee COVID-19 Lawsuits

The novel coronavirus that broke out in the winter has caused immeasurable suffering, both physical and economic. For employers struggling to stay in business, this is a fraught time where mistakes in managing their workforces could lead to employee lawsuits. Here are 10 potential trouble spots to watch for. Workplace safety – Businesses that still have

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Bundled Pricing for Employers

How to Make Bundled Pricing Work for You and Your Employees

It’s no secret that employers want to control their costs, and at the same time help their employees to have access to the highest quality care at the lowest possible price. Bundled pricing is a one-off arrangement that employers have with a specific facility (i.e. hospital, outpatient facility, imaging center, etc.) where the price is negotiated

How to Make Bundled Pricing Work for You and Your Employees Read More »

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