
paid sick leave

Reasonable Healthcare Cost

How Can I Offer Care Management and Patient Advocacy to my Employees at a Reasonable Cost?

If you’rereading this article, you’re likely considering offering care management and patient advocacy to your employees. Congratulations! You want to help your employees, but at the same time, it needs to be budget-friendly. The process to add patient advocacy and care management is relatively simple. However, like most things in the health insurance industry, it’s not […]

How Can I Offer Care Management and Patient Advocacy to my Employees at a Reasonable Cost? Read More »

Bundled Pricing for Employers

How to Make Bundled Pricing Work for You and Your Employees

It’s no secret that employers want to control their costs, and at the same time help their employees to have access to the highest quality care at the lowest possible price. Bundled pricing is a one-off arrangement that employers have with a specific facility (i.e. hospital, outpatient facility, imaging center, etc.) where the price is negotiated

How to Make Bundled Pricing Work for You and Your Employees Read More »

Lower Your Health Cost

Lower Your Health Care Costs by Offering High Quality Service

The buzz around health insurance right now is all about user experience and access to care. The problem is two-fold: insurance literacy and health literacy. Would it surprise you to learnthat 90% of employees do not know the difference between a copay,coinsurance,and a deductible?While that may seempretty basic to people like me in the insurance industry,this lack

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The Real Price of Your Prescriptions

For most employers, prescription spend.. drug costs… are steadily increasing. In fact, pharmacy costs account for almost 25% of most employers’ health care budget every year. The Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), is a company that manages your prescriptions, including allowable medications on your formulary, what you pay for them, what the manufacturer paid for them, and

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The Ugly Truth Behind Health Insurance in the United States

Do you find it baffling that health insurance costs in the United States are increasing at alarming rates, yet seemingly not anywhere else in the world? I find it baffling, especially since the actual costs of healthcare are not increasing even close to the rate of insurance costs.  So, why is this happening in the

The Ugly Truth Behind Health Insurance in the United States Read More »

paid family leave

New Law Requires COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave, FMLA Benefits

Legislation signed into law by President Trump will extend sick leave benefits for workers who are sickened by the coronavirus, as well as provide for additional weeks of time off under the Family Medical Leave Act so they can be guaranteed of being able to return to their jobs afterwards. Public and private employers alike

New Law Requires COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave, FMLA Benefits Read More »

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