
paid sick leave

Do You Want to Pay the Anticipated Cost or the Maximum Cost?

Do you know what keeps you on top?Many entrepreneurs and “household brands” can find themselves at the top of their industry for a year or two — But do you know what the difference is between the titans and the one-hit-wonders? Innovation and Crazy Ideas…What we are going to share today is a crazy idea […]

Do You Want to Pay the Anticipated Cost or the Maximum Cost? Read More »

8 Questions You Should be Asking Your Benefits Advisor… Continued

Are you paying your benefits advisor for activity or for results? Are you paying them to administer your plan or to control your costs? There are eight questions you can ask to find out. In the previous article, I shared with you the first four questions. Here are the next four.   5.  What do you do

8 Questions You Should be Asking Your Benefits Advisor… Continued Read More »

Fiduciary Duty

What are my Fiduciary Responsibilities as a Self-Funded Employer?

Many midsize employers believe that self insurance is full of rules and redtape that fully insured plans don’t have. However, that’snot necessarily the case. Compliance is integral to self insurance and there are several items that you are responsible for as a self-funded employer, including:• ERISA fiduciary responsibilities,• Non-discrimination rules,• Reporting and disclosure,• Requirements notices,•

What are my Fiduciary Responsibilities as a Self-Funded Employer? Read More »

What is Stop Loss Coverage?

The Ins and Outs of Stop Loss and Reinsurance

The number one concern I hear from employers when we talk about migrating to a self-insured or partially self-insured environment, is that they don’t want to be responsible for all the claims. What is stop-loss coverage? Stop-loss or reinsurance is how you protect yourself from large claims if you are self-insured. You should always have reinsurance. What

The Ins and Outs of Stop Loss and Reinsurance Read More »

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